Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January Update 1

Hello Challengers!

This is your challenge organizer Yvonne speaking.

Indeed, the number of challengers is disappointing, but all five of us will press along, will we not?

So what relic novels have you read thus far,  12 days into the new year?

I am reading The Icon by Neil Olson. Does anyone have that book on their list, or has already read that book?

If you have any reviews you would like to share with us, feel free to email me or leave a comment here.

I wish all of us a great time doing this reading challenge!


  1. Hi, Yvonne! I'm going to join this challenge & I wanted to know if the levels are fixed or we can change them. For example: If I choose the 1st level, but after that I decide to read more than 6 books, can I change to the 2nd level or not?
    Also, in the novels does it have to be hunted a specific object or can be included books where there's some kind of excavation of ancient ruins & they're not searching for something specifically, just exploring & they end up finding something unexpected...

  2. Yes, you can change the levels at anytime - I don't see a point in making you decide for sure at the beginning.

    Yes, I could call those relic novels too. However, the example you raised could sound potentially like a anthropological crime where they try to find out who killed which pharoah's mistress. Not that I have an issue with that, but it'd be nice if the reading list is not dominated by such things.

    And welcome to the challenge! :)

  3. Ok, thank you! I was actually thinking something like James Rollins' "Subterranean" and "Excavation".
    Anyway, after I read each novel, I'll decide if is a relic novel or not & I'll make the list as I read them.
    Thanks, again ;)

  4. I have a question. I have a read a NON fiction book about hunting and recovering stolen treasure including some specific items of ancient jewellery. Can this be included or would you rather it be novels only? I dont mind if I have to take the non fiction book off the list.

  5. This month my relic novel was The Tomb of Hercules by Andy McDermott. Fast-paced, totally unbelievable, but fun :)

  6. Just wanted to drop a mid-year note :)

    I've done 4 out of 6, so it's going well. Oh, I'm otterevilreads on the signup list.
